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18 Things Wives Wish Their Husbands Would Do More Often

Published: Feb 22, 2015 | Hana Jurik

18 Things Wives Wish Their Husbands Would Do More Often

Men, there are no more excuses. We are calling you out on all your fixable flaws. Love it or hate it, us women wish you would do these things more often for us. So take note and remember, "happy wife, happy life."

Send Us Flowers At Work

Send Us Flowers At Work

Gentlemen, it's not cliche to send us flowers at work. We LOVE it, especially if we've had a tough day. Not only does it show us you love us, but we love to getting the attention and envy from our coworkers.

Empty the Trash

Empty the Trash

What is it with men and trash. They will fill it so it's overflowing and refuse to take it out and when they do take the trash out, they never put a new trash liner in the basket.

Surprise Us With A Bath

Surprise Us With A Bath

I don't know too many women that don't enjoy a nice bubble bath with candles and wine. By pampering us with a romantic bath, you are showing us that you appreciate and love us.

Show Us More Appreciation

Show Us More Appreciation

Women have to put up with a lot from you guys. Would it really kill you to show more appreciation for all we do? Even just a simple, "I appreciate you and what you do" goes a long way.

Share Your Feelings With Us

Share Your Feelings With Us

You don't always have to be a tough guy and hide your feelings. Tell us what you're thinking, share your heart with us. We like to comfort you and understand you. Showing a softer side brings out your humanity and kindness.

Repair Broken Things In Our Home

Repair Broken Things In Our Home

You'll never hear a woman say, "He's such a handyman and that is a turn off." Our home is ours and you guys should learn how to repair what is broken. This also means killing spiders and pests in our home.

Empty the Dishwasher

Empty the Dishwasher

If the dishwasher is finished, please empty it. It literally takes all of 5 minutes. It's not our sole responsibility to clean up after you. Stop putting your dirty dishes in the sink and yes you do need to wash your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.

Clean the Sink After Shaving

Clean the Sink After Shaving

We love you and want you to look your best, but cleaning up dried hair and shaving cream in the sink is disgusting. Be considerate of others. Do you really think we enjoy cleaning up your body hair? Nope.

Control Your Bodily Functions

Control Your Bodily Functions

You're not in college anymore and I'm not one of the guys. Please stop farting and burping near me. It's not appealing and it won't get you any love or laughs.

Help Us With Laundry

Help Us With Laundry

Would it kill you to do a few loads of laundry to help out? Every man should know how to do basic household chores and laundry is no exception. If you want your wife to love you, help her out.

Watch More Romantic Movies With Us

Watch More Romantic Movies With Us

Every man should be forced to watch at least one romantic movie a week and they should take notes. There's a reason why us women love romantic movies, if only our husbands would follow after some of these movies, we would be more fulfilled in our relationships.

Plan More Surprise Dates

Plan More Surprise Dates

Everyone loves to be surprised. If you plan a surprise for us, we will never forget it. It's important to keep spontaneity in the marriage. Routines get old, we all need an escape and a reminder of why we fell in love.

Be More Romantic In The Bedroom

Be More Romantic In The Bedroom

Quickies are okay if time is limited, but it shouldn't be the normal routine. Sex shouldn't just be about getting your rocks off, you should make love to us. Hold us, kiss us, do more foreplay. Sex should be the melting of two souls, not just a crude physical act.

Spend More Time With Our Kids

Spend More Time With Our Kids

Our children are apart of us both. There is nothing more sexy than watching a man take care of his kids. Teach our children respect and share your knowledge with them.

Cook More Meals

Cook More Meals

We don't expect you to be a five star chef, but surprising us with a romantic meal shows that you appreciate us and love us. Everyone should know how to cook a basic meal for their loved ones.

More Thoughtful Gifts

More Thoughtful Gifts

Don't buy me gifts that you secretly want for yourself. Gifts shouldn't be about how much money you spent. The best gifts are personal ones with meaning. Handmade gifts are even more special because they show you put your heart and time into it.

Listen Better

Listen Better

Listen to your wives more. Arguments shouldn't be about who wins, they should be about expressing your feelings and issues and finding a mutual resolve.

Remind Us That You Love Us

Remind Us That You Love Us

A love note takes minutes to leave behind but it will stay with us all day. Just a simple reminder is enough to put a smile on our face and remind us why we love you so much.

Published: Feb 22, 2015 By: Hana Jurik

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