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4 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Conceiving a Baby Girl

Published: Jan 29, 2015 | Ashley Shevel

Genetics have a large part in determining the outcome of your baby's gender. However much research has been done to find techniques that can increase the odds of planning your child's gender. Here is a compiled list of some techniques that have been studied and show promise.

Intercourse Timing

Intercourse Timing

To increase your chances of conceiving a girl, have intercourse during the last day of your period and continue having sex daily until 4 days before you ovulate. Research has shown male sperm swim faster than female sperm, but also die faster. By using this method, you give the female sperm a longer amount of time to reach the egg, by the time you are ovulating; a larger percent of the female sperm will be available to penetrate the egg.

Eat Acidic Foods

Eat Acidic Foods

Male sperm die off in acidic environments and thrive on alkali environments. By consuming foods high in acid you can change your bodies PH to be more acidic, giving you a higher probability of conceiving a baby girl.

Some highly acidic foods include: Coffee, black tea, honey, sugar, vinegar, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy.

Use Shallow Sex Positions

Use Shallow Sex Positions

Deep penetration injects the sperm closer to the egg and gives the male sperm an advantage because they are faster swimmers. By using shallow sexual positions, you increase the distance the sperm has to swim to the egg. Because female sperm live longer than male sperm, they have a greater chance of arriving at the egg.

No Female Orgasms

No Female Orgasms

When a female has an orgasm she creates a more alkali environment which male sperm thrive in. Sorry ladies but if you're wanting a baby girl, you're going to have to cut the orgasms out for a while.

Published: Jan 29, 2015 By: Ashley Shevel

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