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8 Big Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Published: Jan 26, 2015 | Ashley Shevel

8 Big Benefits of Drinking Coffee

For most of us, coffee has become a morning routine. New studies have found that coffee not only gives you the morning wake up you need, but is actually incredibly healthy for you. Like most things in life it's about keeping your portions in control. Too much of a good thing is usually a bad thing. This is why researchers recommend drinking no more than 2 cups a day.

Boost Physique Performance

Boost Physique Performance

Coffee contains caffeine. The caffeine in coffee increases adrenaline levels and diminishes fatty acids from your tissue.

Provides Nutritional Value

Provides Nutritional Value

Not only does coffee taste great but coffee has many nutrients in it including Magnesium, Niacin, and Potassium.

Reduces Your Risk of Type II Diabetes

Reduces Your Risk of Type II Diabetes

Studies show people who consume coffee on a regular basis are 23-50% less likely to develop Type II Diabetes.

Reduces Your Risk of getting Alzheimers Disease

Reduces Your Risk of getting Alzheimers Disease

Studies show that those who consume coffee on a regular basis are 65% less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.

Raises Metabolism

Raises Metabolism

The caffeine in coffee is proven to speed the metabolism therefor burning more body fat. That is why most commercial fat burning pills and potions use caffeine as a top ingredient.

Contains Powerful Antioxidants

Contains Powerful Antioxidants

Coffee contains thousands of antioxidants which help fend off free radicals in your body. By eliminating free radicals, you can reduce your risk of developing cancer.

Healthy Heart

Healthy Heart

Coffee contains several compounds which have been shown to reduce heart disease by protecting your arterial walls.

Increase Brain Activity

Increase Brain Activity

Coffee is the perfect stimulant to get you through the workday. Now that you know the health pros, pour yourself a cup and enjoy!

Published: Jan 26, 2015 By: Ashley Shevel

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