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7 Ways to Drastically Reduce Your Grocery Bill

Published: Jan 24, 2015 | Ashley Shevel

7 Ways to Drastically Reduce Your Grocery Bill

If you're looking to cut down on your expenses, taking a closer look at your grocery bill is a great start. We have compiled a list of tips that will help you save a ton on your next trip to the market.

Shop Around

Shop Around

Don’t feel stuck only shopping at one grocery store. Take a look through your weekly flyers and compare prices with other markets. Make the extra trip to save money on select items. Over time it makes a huge difference.

Plan Ahead

Plan Ahead

This is the most crucial tip, and not only does it save you money but it saves you the stress of figuring out what to make for dinner each night. Sit down and make a list of the daily meals and the ingredients you need. Not only will this prevent you from over spending, but you won’t buy food that goes to waste.

Have Meatless Nights

Have Meatless Nights

You don’t have to have meat every night for dinner. That gets very costly. You can always get your dose of protein by having eggs for breakfast or tuna for lunch.

Cook From Scratch

Cook From Scratch

Rather than buying pre-made dinners, start making them yourself. Sure it takes a little more time, but you will see what goes into your food, and you get way more for your dollar. Ask you kids to join in and help to spend some time together.

Don't Buy Individually Packaged Items

Don't Buy Individually Packaged Items

When you see pre-cut cheese, cut fruit trays, and individually packed kids snacks, your bill will sky rocket. Prices are high for these items because of the convenience.

Take Advantage of Sales

Take Advantage of Sales

Be careful with this tip, you don’t want it to backlash. But, if you see an unbelievable sale on an item you use daily it's okay to stock up. For example, if you know butter never gets below $1.99, and it’s on sale for $1.00, grab what you can afford to buy and freeze the rest.

Buy in Bulk

Buy in Bulk

Buying in bulk can save you a boat load of money. All your regular non-perishable consumables should be bought in bulk. Meat should also be bought in bulk because it can be stored safely in your freezer until ready to use.

Published: Jan 24, 2015 By: Ashley Shevel

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