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15 Secrets To Flawless Skin

Published: Feb 10, 2015 | Ashley Shevel

15 Secrets To Flawless Skin

Having a good complexion increases your confidence and gives you a nice radiant glow. For some of us, having a nice complexion is purely genetic while for the rest of us, we have to work at it. Clear skin will boost your confidence and make you feel more attractive. Here are a few beauty hacks for clear skin.

Avoid Hot Showers

Avoid Hot Showers

You probably take hot showers because they feel good. Well, if you want to preserve your youthful skin, stop. Hot showers damage your skin by opening all your pores and flushing essential oils down the drain. When you are younger it's easier for your skin to recover from this, but as you age it becomes more difficult and you will end up with dry, damaged skin. From now on, only have lukewarm showers, nothing that will cause steam.

Clean Makeup Brushes

Clean Makeup Brushes

Ladies, you are supposed to be washing your makeup brushes. Ideally you want to wash them at least once every week or two weeks, depending on your daily use. It's important to clean your brushes because the buildup from the powder can contain bacteria which may cultivate on your makeup brushes. Bacteria overgrowth is the number one cause for breakouts.

To wash your brushes, use lukewarm water and a mild soap or shampoo. Gently rinse your brushes and allow them to dry before use.

Wash your Face Twice A Day

Wash your Face Twice A Day

You should be washing your face in the morning and before bed. This process is often done incorrectly. The proper way to wash your face is you first apply warm water to open your pores. Lather a mild soap or a facial cleaning product in your hands and apply to your skin. Rub into your skin for a minute or so, make sure you get all areas of your face. Rinse your face with cool water. The cool water will close your pores after you removed the oil and bacteria from your pores.

There are hundreds of face-washing products on the market. Choose one that is mid and relatively fragrance free.

Reduce Dairy

Reduce Dairy

Dairy products stimulate your oil glands and if you are prone to breakouts, will cause lots of issues for you. Reduce your dairy intake, or eliminate it all together. You can substitute milk with either almond milk or soy milk. Take it easy on the cheese, there’s a reason pizza is synonymous with zits. Cheese is dairy and pizza typically has excess amounts of cheese.

Use Retinol

Use Retinol

Most dermatologists agree that retinol is the best anti-aging skin product available on the market today. Retinol works by boosting your skins collagen levels, reducing cancerous growth and can even reverse sun damage to the skin. Another major reason to start using retinol today is that is also is incredibly effective for treating acne.

Choose a good retinol product and in no time it will be your secret weapon to flawless, youthful skin.

Drink Red Wine

Drink Red Wine

While it's true alcohol can age you, it’s also true the wine can make you look younger. The secret is drinking the right quantity. Ladies, keep it under 2 glasses a day, otherwise there will be no benefits.

So what makes wine so powerful for your skin? Red Wines contain a substance called reservatol which is an antioxidant that prevents wrinkles and sagging. Some studies have suggested reservatol even tightens your skin, giving you a more youthful appearance.

Again ladies, this isn’t an excuse so suck down a bottle of wine a night. 2 glasses at most per day.

Eat Watermelon

Eat Watermelon

Watermelons are a lycopene-rich treat that reduces damage from sun exposure, prevents wrinkles, and may even lower risk of skin cancer. Nutritionists and dermatologists agree that 1 cup of watermelon a day makes a huge difference in skin health and appearance.

Avoid Touching Your Face with Your Hands

Avoid Touching Your Face with Your Hands

Your hands can carry bacteria unless they have been cleaned. Also your phone contains bacteria on the surface. Wash your phone and try to keep your hands clean. If you touch your face with any type of bacteria, you risk getting a breakout.

Get More Sleep

Get More Sleep

Your body renews itself while you sleep. Sleeping helps improve your body’s circulation which can give you a healthy complexion. Aim for 7-8 hours every night.

Product Layering

Product Layering

Products that are designed to treat acne or skin serums should always be applied first. After that, heavier products such as cream moisturizers or sunscreen can be applied.

Drink More Water

Drink More Water

Water helps flush toxins out of your body. Skin that is hydrated has more elasticity than dehydrated skin. Aim to drink 60-80 ounces of water every day. After a few days of this routine, you will begin to see a healthier glow.

Stop Smoking

If you must, use e-cigarettes instead.

Stop Smoking

if you smoke and have good skin, consider yourself lucky. But as a warning, if you continue to smoke the quality of your skin will degrade at a much faster rate than a nonsmoker. Smoke contains several toxic chemicals that damage skin cells and cause premature aging.

Quitting smoking is hard, one thing you can do while you quit is to change to electronic cigarettes which give off vapor instead of smoke when exhaled. Electronic cigarettes also allow you to taper down your nicotine levels to help you quit progressively.

Morning Cold Mask

Morning Cold Mask

One great beauty hack to eliminate puffy morning eyes is to apply a cold mask from the freezer for 10 minutes. The cold eye mask will reduce inflammation under your eyes and give you a more energized look.

Use Sunscreen

Use Sunscreen

Sun causes skin damage, especially is you repeatedly get sunburns. Having a nice summer tan always looks nice, but it should never come at the expense of burning your skin and causing permanent damage. Besides keeping your skin youthful, sunscreen also protects against more serious threats like melanoma (skin cancer).

Apply sunscreen before you expose yourself to the sun and reapply every few hours.

Eat Healthy Fats

Eat Healthy Fats

Foods that contain Omega 3 fatty acids are great for your skin and will give your skin a natural glow. Foods like nuts, seeds, avocados and salmon all contain healthy levels of Omega 3. Omega 3 is also a natural anti-inflammatory.

Published: Feb 10, 2015 By: Ashley Shevel

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