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7 Common Food Cravings and What They Mean

Published: Feb 10, 2015 | Allison McKinster

7 Common Food Cravings and What They Mean

Falling victim to a food craving is part of being a living creature. Our bodies require balance to maintain homeostasis. When chemical and nutrient levels in our body fluctuate, it causes an in-balance that our body must fix. In almost all cases, this is why you crave certain foods. Your body is amazing, it knows what is in food and what you need to normalize yourself. So do your body a favor, understand what it wants and how you can satisfy it in a healthy way.

Sugary Foods

Sugary Foods

If you're craving sweets your body is experiencing sugar fluctuations which can cause spikes in the insulin production of your body. Over a period of time these sugar fluctuations can lead to type 2 diabetes.

The types of sugar you should be consuming are monosaccharides. You can get monosaccharides in all fruits. Instead of grabbing that candy bar, eat a banana instead. It will satisfy your sugar craving, normalize your sugar level and be kind to your waistline.



On occasion, most of us experience cravings for chocolate. This craving can be hard to diagnose because it could be to satisfy your blood sugar level, or it could be because your body is low on magnesium which is best found in nuts, fish and dark leafy greens.

If you're craving chocolate, go with dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is much healthier for you because it contains a higher percentage of powerful antioxidants. Moderate your chocolate intake. If you find yourself constantly craving chocolate, make yourself a leafy salad with fresh salmon and almonds instead.

Salty Foods

Salty Foods

If you're craving salty foods it can mean one or two things.

First, your body may be low on electrolytes. Electrolytes are composed of a mixture of elements, two of which include sodium and potassium. Because excessive sodium intake can lead to a high blood pressure and potential cardiovascular complications, its best to moderate your sodium intake and manage your cravings.

Secondly, stress has been shown to cause sodium cravings because stress puts a a high toll on your adrenal glands which are responsible for producing cortisol. Cortisol is a chemical in your body that helps you handle stress by providing energy. Cortisol however also makes you crave high-fat, simple carb foods that the body can absorb quickly for energy.

If you are constantly craving sodium, you need to reduce the stress in your life by engaging in regular exercise, yoga, running, or any activity to help reduce your stress. You should also drink 8 ounces of pure Coconut Water every day. Coconut Water is nature’s best source of electrolytes. This one two punch will knock your salt cravings to the curb.

Red Meat

Red Meat

Red meat is very high in iron. Therefore it goes without saying, if you have strong cravings for red meat, it may be an indicator that your body is low in iron. This is especially true for menstruating women who are losing blood daily. Although most red meats are high in cholesterol and fat, choosing a lean cut is more than fine and will cure your taste for blood by improving your iron levels.



A strong craving for cheese is usually an indicator of a fatty acid deficiency. Omega 3 is a healthy fatty acid that has been scientifically shown to reduce inflammation in the body. Having cheese on occasion is fine, but remember most cheeses are high in saturated fat. Next time you crave cheese, grab a handful of nuts or cook yourself a piece of salmon.



Craving coffee is a chemical dependency. Caffeine is an addictive compound that is found in coffee beans. This is one craving that is okay to satisfy in moderation. Coffee has been proven to have many health benefits along with providing a quick energy boost.

Please be sure to keep your coffee drinking in moderation, too much caffeine can cause acid reflux, anxiety, muscle spasms and cramping, heart palpitations, insomnia, headaches, hallucinations and increased blood pressure.



Craving milk is an indicator that your body is low on calcium. Calcium plays an important role in bone health in our bodies. Strong dense bones are usually the result of a diet high in calcium. Just don't go overboard with milk. Too much calcium can be very bad and can lead to kidney stones which are incredibly painful to pass.

Published: Feb 10, 2015 By: Allison McKinster

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