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9 Items You Should Always Have In Your Car

Published: Feb 9, 2015 | Troy Andrews

9 Items You Should Always Have In Your Car

What would you do if your car broke down on an isolated road and you had no cell phone service? This scenario is one you may not think of until it happens to you. Experts agree that the best thing you can do is stay near your car and wait for someone to come by and help. Depending on your situation, you may need to wait for several hours or worse, days.

Storing the right items in your car can mean the difference between staying alive and dying roadside. Here are the items you need to have in your car.



A knife is a great resource to have in a survival situation. Besides using it to cut, it can also be used for self defense. It's best to choose a knife with at least a 3" blade. You would be surprised how often you actually need a knife in your car, even if it's not a survival situation.

Fire Starter

Fire Starter

Having a flint fire starter is best because unlike a lighter, it doesn't depend on fluid to fuel the flame. Flint fire starters also last much longer than lighters and are not prone to mechanical malfunctions.

Most fire starters have a magnesium rod that can be used with your knife to cut off shavings. In it's solid form, magnesium is not flammable, but when you cut off small shavings it is very flammable and makes a great fuel source for your fire. The flint acts as your ignition source. It's scratched with your knife to create the spark needed to ignite your fire.

Canteen with Metal Cup

Canteen with Metal Cup

Survival canteens usually come with a metal cup which is used to boil water. In a survival situation it may be necessary to harvest water. However drinking unpurified water in the wild is usually always a bad idea. Water you collect outside should be boiled for 15 minutes before it's consumed. By boiling the water, you ensure that any bad bacteria are eliminated.

Even in the best of situations, you can only live 3 days without water.

Window Breaker

Window Breaker

Perhaps the most terrifying situation you can find yourself in is being trapped in a car that's sinking in water. If it ever happens to you, you will only have a few seconds to react. As your car begins to sink, opening your doors will become impossible until the car is fully emerged underwater. Your only way out will be through the window, if you have electronic car windows, they most likely will malfunction when wet. The result is you being trapped in your car with no way out.

You could try kicking out your window, but this is much harder than people think. Car Window Breakers are designed to destroy your car windows efficiently. With one stroke, you can shatter your window and climb out to safety.

Storing your Window Breaker in the glove compartment or in the front console is ideal. You want to be able to reach the Breaker as quickly as possible. Most of these tools also come with a seat belt cutter which can also save your life if your seat belts lock up from the accident.

Always remember to get your passengers out. This is especially true for children in the backseat. Don't panic. Stay calm, smash your windows and get to safety.

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

A First Aid Kit can save your life in a pinch. Not only are they great for survival situations, but they can aid you in accidents you or your passengers may have on a road trip.

Jumper Cables

Jumper Cables

Dead batteries are the number one cause for automotive breakdowns in the U.S. Having a set of Jumper Cables allows you to get a jump from another automobile, or you can give someone else a jump. This is such a basic must have item that too many cars do not have.

Spare Tire, Jack and Lug Wrench

Spare Tire, Jack and Lug Wrench

It will only be a matter of time before you find yourself broken down with a flat tire. Fortunately this is an easy fix if you have the right tools. Every car should have a spare tire, most new cars come standard with a spare. If you don't know if you have a spare tire or not, you should. You also need to know how to detach the spare tire form the car.

Your spare tire is useless without a car jack and lug wrench. A car jack is used to lift the automobile off the ground while you remove the flat tire with the lug wrench and replace it with the new tire.

Bottled Water

Bottled Water

Keep a few bottled waters in your car. Not only do they take up little room, they will keep you hydrated in an emergency situation. Water can also be used to clean out flesh wounds..

Food / Snacks

Food / Snacks

Freeze dried food can keep for a long time and in a survival situation it will keep you from starving. Although water is always a priority over food, food will give you calories and energize you.

Published: Feb 9, 2015 By: Troy Andrews

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