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7 Signs She Likes You

Published: Dec 18, 2014 | Courtney Brewster

7 Signs She Likes You

How do you know when a girl likes you? Science says it's all in the boby language.

When it comes to women, how do you know if they like you? Some women can be aggresive, others play hard to get. It drives men crazy, not really knowing if a women is into them or not. So lots of money has been spent and research has been done to conclude that the signs she likes you are all in her body language.

She Smiles and Laughs More Around You

She Smiles and Laughs More Around You

People laugh to release tension and in some cases show admiration. If a girl in your life suddenly starts laughing more at your jokes, it could be a clue she is into you.

She Holds Eye Contact

She Holds Eye Contact

Now that you have her attention, she wants to keep her focus on you. This is a subconscious way of flirting and showing a interest. When women want something, they tend to stare it it.

She Cancels Plans to Be With You

She Cancels Plans to Be With You

A girl that really likes you will want to spend at much time with you as possible. If she's into you she will also text or call you right away. Also another interesting fact is when someone likes another person, they tend to have more context in their text messages. If you get an eruption of texts from her after you text her, it means she likes you.

She Wants To Know If You Desire Her

She Wants To Know If You Desire Her

Once a women is invested in you, at some point she will want to know if the feelings are mutual. Few women will ever just come out and ask you, that would be pretty awkward. Instead they turn up some simple sexually suggestive mannerisms and expressions.

Women will play with their hair a lot, or show you their necks as a sexual offering. They will also bite their lips or pout their lips when you do look at them.

If these subconscious attempts don't work, women may be more aggressive with their pursuit. They may set up some baiting questions hoping you respond with what they want to hear. Questions like, "Do you think I need to lose weight?" or "Do you think she's pretty?" Women want to gauge a mans thoughts to determine his desire. What they really want to hear a man say is, "I think you look good", "I think your beautiful", "That girl has nothing on you."

When You See Them They Look More Polished Than Usual

When You See Them They Look More Polished Than Usual

If a girl is into you, she wants to look her best. Women will spend more time behind the mirror and choosing their outfits if there is a man to impress. If a girl in your life is suddenly dressing better around you it may be a good indicator she is crushing on you.

She's Already Acting Like Your Girlfriend

She's Already Acting Like Your Girlfriend

Some women go right for the jugular. This is a classic cat and mouse move. Instead of waiting for you to make the move, they push themselves deeper in your life and engage you as if you were already dating. This is especially noticeable when the two of you are around your friends.

She Finds a Reason to Sleep Over

She Finds a Reason to Sleep Over

If a girl is going out of her way to stay at your place for the night, she probably wants you.

Final Thoughts

Courting is a fun process, perhaps the best years of your life. Sure there is drama, hearts will be broken and in the midst of all that, something wonderful can blossom. The process of finding love has no ETA, for some of us we meet our perfect match at an early age. For others it can take years and years of searching to find that special someone.

Published: Dec 18, 2014 By: Courtney Brewster

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